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AOE co-organizes the summing-up meeting for phase 2 and kick-off meeting for phase 3 of "Dragon Project" TEXT SIZE: A A A
June 25-29, the summing-up meeting for phase 2 and kick-off meeting for phase 3 of "Dragon Project", jointly hosted by Chinese Ministry of Science & Technology and ESA, was held in beijing. AOE assists for hosting the meeting. China-EU cooperation project--"Dragon Project" is at present the biggest international technical cooperation project on the earth observation area. This project aims at establishing a joint research team on the application research about the Earth observation data, and promoting the ablility of satellite remote sensing technology together. Vice-presedent of AOE Chuanrong Li, vice-presedent of earth observation department Linli Tang, and the relevant researchers attended this meeting.
The earth observation department of AOE is one member for the Phase 2 of "Dragon Project". We also submitted two research papers titled by "Schistosomiasis breeding environment situation analysis in Dongting lake area" and "The application of LiDAR and aerial images in wetland for ground elevation and vegetation height estimation".
During the phase 3 of "Dragon Project", the earth observation department of AOE have applied successfully for the project titled by "Chinese infectious disease monitoring and warning based on the observation data mining technology", together with National Institute for Parasitic Diseases under the Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention and Ulster University from England. The project team members gave a report in the kick-off meeting for phase 3.
The participation of phase 2 of "dragon project" promotes the international cooperation and technical exchanges between AOE and related research units and institutions  in Europe.  We also hope to continue the cooperation on the application research of earth observation, personnel training, academic exchange and data sharing etc, improve the ability of AOE in the relevant research filed.


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